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Monday, August 31, 2009

Merdeka 52 Tahun

Hey, orang Malaysia. When I started to learn how to sing Negara Ku during my days in primary 1, I was really happy to sing the first few lines. You know as usual, one will tend to sing in front of our parents to show off. I think that really happened to me. Then, my mother can also show off to her friends that I can sing Negara Ku.

Negaraku was originated from the song Mamula Moon. So who compose our national anthem? Sounds great but to bad that it is not an ori one. I can sing them till todate with my grown-up children. How about you? Otherwise, do practice. Selamat Menyambuat Hari Merdeka ke 52. This year's motto is ' 1 malaysia.

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Since 23/9/07


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U ENTER my life, I SAVE u in my heart, COPY &
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SCAN & EDIT your problems ...
And never DELETE u from my MEMORY.

Hoping that your birthday brings the things that you'd like the best,
and that the year to follow is among your happiest !

Best Wishes
Today and Always