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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Face Remodeling Made Easy

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People talked about going “under the knife” all the time these days but these are the days of BOTOX and it one of the easiest way to hold on to youth. But above and beyond Botox, there are other ways as well. Hyaluronic acid is a growing phenomenon amongst doctors and youth enthusiasts.

Recently, I had the privilege to observe a procedure that uses hyaluronic gel from the brand Restylane by Dr Hoo Jen Shi, who professes a love for the needle. As we know hyaluronic acid exists in our body and promotes natural collagen growth. This procedure using gel made from hyaluronic acid works on the same principal. It can be used to basically patch up any “holes” or fine lines, wrinkles , folds on your face and even delicate areas like lips, neck , decolletage and backs of hands.

It works brilliantly as a temporary face remodeling whilst deciding on a permanent job. This product also dissolves in the body system as a natural waste after 8 months and retains maximum to 24 months in the body depending on one’s lifestyle like smoking and stress for instance. Since it helps promote collagen growth in the area injected, sometimes, one may find that further procedures no longer necessary or can be delayed.

A life (aspiring) model was used to demonstrate how quickly one can achieve near perfect face in an hour or less. In fact, in Singapore this procedure is commonly done during the lunch hour. Imagine instead going for wantan noodles, you pop in to your corner plastic surgery and go back after lunch to the office with your dream chin.

The model have had about 45 minutes of pain numbing medication applied on her face when she started the procedure. Pain threshold needed to be beautiful with this procedure is - every shot is like getting a bee sting. And yes, she was awake the whole time.

Since this model did her forehead, nasal labias, tip of nose and chin, she averaged about 30-40 “bee stings” on her face in that one hour. Aaah the price of beauty, but the true price was 1000ml abut RM1500, and the whole procedure did not use more than 600gm but she does have a baby face which in this case helps.

How delicate is the procedure? It would seem, from our vantage point like the surgeon just inserted the needle very thinly under her skin at every point. Although at the beginning of the chin-ing session, the needle broke from the syringe because it wasn’t screw tightly enough and the doctor had to delicately pull the needle out. But she reassured us that these needles are very strong and the bone on the chin is tougher so she needed to go in deeper.

What does it feel like after procedure? Well, feels a little tender and since it is a gel substance, patients are advised against major rubbing or impact of any kind just in case the proportion and location is dislodged; otherwise life is back to normal immediately after the procedure and the application of some antiseptic cream.




The start of the Restylane Fernleaf Pattern Technique developed by Dr Tom Van Eijk, approximately ten shots on opposite direction of each side of the nasal labia (left and right of face), exactly like a fernleaf hence the name.


The final result

sept09-051Before procedure

The second model had an old and sunken scar of almost ten years removed.


sept09-067sept09-070Scar was less sunken at the end of procedure but will need a another fill in about a month’s time.

Restylane hyaluronic acid has been around for more than 2 decades and any adverse or side effects would have been reported by now according to the surgeon we met that day. In fact injecting hyaluronic gel could be one way of preserving your youth for its immediate efficacy and the fact that it helps promotes collagen and injection is the only way since the molecules s of this acid is way too big to be absorbed in a topical application.

Whilst I am not against facial reconstruction, my problems would be the needles, but perhaps like tattoo fans I could get addicted to the pain and the plus point (no pun intended) would be my own ideal of me!

Sources : http://www.emmagem.com/2009/09/29/restylane-face-remodeling-made-easy/

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